Sendai International Music Competition

To the guests attending the 7th SIMC Highest Ranked Prizewinner’s Recital | Sendai International Music Competition Official Website


To the guests attending the 7th SIMC Highest Ranked Prizewinner’s Recital

July 5th, 2022

Infection Prevention Measures for COVID-19 and Requests


We take the following measures to make the recital safe and protect the audience.

Please pay attention to our response to COVID-19 as below BEFORE you attend the recital.

Our COVID-19 Response may be changed depending on a new infection status.

We will keep following the requests and guidelines by the Japanese Government or the local municipality, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the infection prevention.


<Need your cooperation>

■ Please avoid attending the recital if you

・Have a fever (temperature of 37.5 Celsius or more) and sore throat, and keep having a fever for a few days.

・Have cold symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, or arthralgia).

・Have new loss of smell or taste, ophthalmalgia, and eye congestion.

・Have fatigue (general malaise) and difficulty breathing, or if you have any concerns about your health.

・Have been in close contact with anyone known to have COVID-19.

・Have returned from the countries or regions which have the restrictions to enter Japan, or need a health monitoring period required by the government, in the past 14 days, and have been in close contact with the said persons.
*If you have Diabetes, Heart Failure, and Respiratory Diseases, or if you are pregnant, please ask your doctor or check the information of medical professions or organizations, and make a careful decision. 

■ Please cooperate with wearing a mask and coughing etiquette when you visit the hall.

・Please wear a mask anytime in the building (including during the performance), and make sure to fully cover your mouth and nose.

・Please take thorough measures for infection prevention (such as wearing a mask) when you come to the hall and also on your way home.

・We may not accept a guest who is not wearing a mask to enter the hall.


■ Please cooperate with measuring temperature and disinfecting your hands at the time of admission.

・After measuring temperature, if your temperature reads 37.5 Celsius or more, we may ask you to leave the building and not enter the hall.

・Please plan extra time for your visit.

・Please cooperate with washing and disinfecting your hands frequently.


■ Please provide your emergency contact.
Please note that in the case of someone (any guest, artist, and staff) is infected with COVID-19, we may provide your contact to official organization. Provided personal information will be used for the above purpose only.


■ In order to keep social distancing, we may ask guests to enter and leave the hall in order. Please follow the direction of our staff appropriately.


■ Keep a distance between you and surrounding people at entrance or bathrooms, and avoid crowds.


■ Avoid speaking with other guests in the building and saying (shouting) “Bravo” for the performance.


■ Cloak service is closed. Please do not bring a big baggage (instrument or luggage) to the hall.


■ Staff will check your ticket visually, or you will be asked to tear off your ticket stub at admission.


■ No autograph session will be held. No guest can be seen or met the artists in the backstage, so please do not wait them at the backstage entrance.


■ Please do not bring a bouquet, letter, or any other gift to the artists as nothing will be accepted at the reception and nothing can be handed off to the artists in person.


■ The information of an encore piece will not be posted on a board in the building (at the reception). Please check Sendai International Music Competition official website or twitter for the information of it.



<Artists and Staff’s COVID-19 Response>
■ Artists and staff measure temperature, check their health, and take thorough measures (washing and disinfecting hands and gargling).


■ Staff who communicates with guests at the reception or in person will wear a mask or a face shield.


■ Ventilation and disinfecting in the building (the hall) will be carried out appropriately.




<Cancellation of the recital>
We cooperate with the hall where the recital will be held, and make sure to prevent spreading of infections by practicing the above measures.

However, if the recital needs to be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, we will announce it on our official website.

Please check the latest information and status there before you attend the recital.



We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation with infection prevention and preventing the spread of infections.



Sendai International Music Competition

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