Sendai International Music Competition

We are sad to announce the passing of Mr. NOJIMA MINORU | Sendai International Music Competition Official Website


We are sad to announce the passing of Mr. NOJIMA MINORU

We are sad to announce that Mr. NOJIMA Minoru, Managing Committee Chairperson of the 8th SIMC passed away on Monday 9th May, 2022.
He was Jury Chairperson for SIMC Piano Section from the time of its foundation in 2001 to the 7th SIMC, 2019 and on the top of that he was assigned to the 8th SIMC Managing Committee Chairperson.
We appreciate his great support and dedication to develop our Competition for a long time.
We extend our sincere condolences for the passing of Mr. NOJIMA Minoru.
May his soul rest in peace.

May 10th, 2022
Secretariat of Sendai International Music Competition

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