Sendai International Music Competition

New CDs of the 7th SIMC Highest Ranked Prizewinners go on sale on February 8! | Sendai International Music Competition Official Website


New CDs of the 7th SIMC Highest Ranked Prizewinners go on sale on February 8!

New CDs of the 7th SIMC (2019) Highest Ranked Prizewinners, Shannon LEE and CHOI Hyounglok will be released. This long awaited new CDs finally have been recorded after two years of postponement due to COVID 19 as it was scheduled to be on sale in 2020. The CDs are included some pieces from the programs of the Commemorative Recitals celebrating winning the Highest Ranked Prize of the 7th SIMC. Please enjoy their performances dedicated to music. The 7th SIMC Highest Ranked Prizewinner, Shannon LEE The picture of CD jacket, Shannon Lee >Click here for further information of CD The 7th SIMC First Prizewinner, CHOI Hyounglok The picture of CD jacket, Choi Hyounglok >Click here for further information of CD For inquiry: Secretariat of Sendai International Music Competition Phone: +81-22-727-1872 (9:30 AM – 5:00 PM on weekdays only) Email:

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